/// R&D: Research and Development

Research makes our company evolve

Gilles Grenier, the founder of the company, has always had change and improvement at heart. He believes that the best ideas occur when you take aside preconceived notions. This philosophy allowed him to implement major changes in the stairway industry. The Kameleon System is, in many ways, the result of these numerous innovations.

Here are some of the achievements of which we are particularly proud :


GG Stairs is the first company in Quebec to include the European principle of the French-staircase stringer.


GG Stairs is the first company to combine factory-made stairways and finishing components (stain and varnish). This revolutionary approach is still the best way to obtain optimum finish quality.


GG Stairs developed an innovative approach consisting of completely restoring an existing staircase without demolishin the existing structure. It consists of a simple-to-install hardwood lining called Vision.TM.


GG Stairs set up its own research facility to sustain the company’s desire to develop new approaches and techniques. The laboratory and its equipment have been designed to support projects focusing on :

a. the volumetric behavior of raw materials under different conditions

b. sound propagation according to the type of stairway

c. structural resistance and fatigue behavior studies

d. vibration behavior tests

e. assembly tests under different restraints.


Here are some examples of tests we undergo in our lab :

Example 1 : Example 2


Illustration des composantes de finitionLaunching a new manufacturing system: the Kameleon System

In addition to having created and developed many manufacturing equipment throughout the years, GG Stairs retained the most qualified personnel in order to develop world-class CAD/CAM solutions allowing the automation of the production process of custom made staircases. GG Stairs is now the main reference on the subject.

/// ENDURANCE TEST [ destruction ]

/// Comparison

Here is a graph demonstrating the superiority of the Kameleon System endurance compared to stairways using other materials.

Traditional maple stairway
Traditional K3 stairway
Kameleon System stairway

/// Explanation

GG Stairs conducts regular endurance tests in order to obtain the most robust and resistant final product. These tests allow us to exceed even the most demanding and rigorous standards of the building industry. We are proud of the efforts we are making when we see the results.

Click here to have an overview of all the tests.

K3 stairway: Destruction test [ coming soon ]

Maple stairway: Destruction test [ coming soon ]

Kameleon stairway:  Fatigue test [ clic here ]

Just for fun [ clic here ]


The KameleonTM System allows the installation of a completely detached stairway that is not attached to shared walls. The stairway is self-supporting!

The detached installation system reduces the impact noises from the shared walls. Self-supporting system eliminates impact noises.
The Kameleon System allows the assembly of detached stairways using an independent frame. By detaching the stairway from a shared wall, we reduce the transmission of noises caused by impact. The soundproof performance of this system is unrivaled.


/// Kameleon structures with removable stair nosing

Here is a prototype of a new feature that could adapt to the existing Kameleon System. It consists of a removable stair nosing that could be used in case the customer has not decided which covering he wants to use before the installation of the structure.


Copyright 2012 - KAMELEON SYSTÈME D'ESCALIER. Conception Zonart Communications